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What is Brain-Based Chiropractic?

How Is Brain Based Chiropractic Different ? This is one of the most commonly asked questions and a good place to start might be by explaining how the brain and nervous system work. This conversation usually starts with a very simple question. What coordinates EVERY function in your entire body? Hopefully you answered, "My brain". And if you did then you would be correct. The next question that is usually asked is, "What determines how the brain coordinates these functions? " For example, you would probably agree that the brain will send different messages to the body if the building were on fire as compared to if you were home getting ready to take a nap. With that in mind then the answer to the above question is this. The brain determines what messages to send to the body by how it perceives the environment. To simplify, The Brain: 1. Perceives the environment 2. Determines the messages so the body can react accordingly. 3. Sends messages to the body to deal with that environment.

If the brain perceives the environment properly it can then properly send the correct messages to the body. That is not always the case however and the reason brain-based chiropractic is so important.

The Fire Alarm Analogy Sympathetic Engagement/ Survival Mode An easy way to understand this might be to use a fire alarm analogy. Let's say the fire alarm was to go off in a building you are in. What would or should happen to your heart rate? Your breathing rate? Your muscle tension? Yes, your heart rate would increase, breathing rate would increase and your muscles tension would increase. What tells your body to do all these things? Yes, your brain. Next question is why does your brain tell your body to do these things? Yes, so you can escape the burning building. This is your body moving into what we call sympathetic engagement. Your sympathetic nervous system is taking control so you can survive. Some call it fight/flight, others call it survival mode. The brain perceived a stress, the fire alarm, and then sent messages to the body to increase it's chances for survival

Parasympathetic Dominance/ Healing Mode Now let's move to the other side of the spectrum. Let's say the fire alarm was a false alarm and you come back into the building and sat down in a comfortable chair for the next 20-30 minutes. What would or should happen to your heart rate ? Breathing rate ? Muscle tension ? Yes, heart rate should slow down, breathing rate should slow down and muscle tension should decrease. What tells your body to do all these things? Yes, your brain. Next question is why does your brain tell your body to do these things in this case? Yes, so your body can relax as there is no danger and no need for survival. This is your body moving into what we call parasympathetic engagement. Your parasympathetic nervous system is taking control so you can relax and heal. Some call it rest and digest, others call it healing mode. The brain perceived the absence of stress, the fire alarm going away, and then sent messages to the body to increase its ability to rest, relax and heal.

The Problem! The Solution! The brain coordinates every function in your entire body. It would seem logical then that if your brain is functioning properly then your body will receive the correct information and you will be healthy. While that is true, there is one problem, the brain is not always functioning and/or communicating properly. The cause...poor stress patterns. More specifically the inability for your brain and nervous system to adapt to stress. These stress patterns usually start in the womb and are passed down from your mother. Once you are born, you mimic stress patterns observed in those closest to you. These patterns then continue and worsen as you deal with your own daily stressors. These patterns then actually change brain physiology altering how the brain perceives the environment and how it then communicates with the body. A perfect example might look like this. You experience a fight with your partner or financial stress or maybe something as small as being late to work. Your brain perceives these stressors, or any other millions of stressors, as a fire alarm going off. It now sends messages to your body to escape a burning building ( survival mode ). This all usually happens at a subconscious level. In most cases you have no idea it is happening but as these patterns continue your body will start to show signs and symptoms leading to things like: High Blood Pressure Increased Inflammation Degenerative Diseases ADD/ADHD Poor Digestion Hormonal Issues Fibromyalgia Poor Sleep Adrenal Fatigue Anxiety Diabetes Reproductive Issues Immune System Issues Chronic Pain So much more...

The Solution! The brain coordinates every function in your entire body. It would seem logical then that if your brain is functioning properly then your body will receive the correct information and you will be healthy. While that is true, there is one problem, the brain is not always functioning and/or communicating properly. The cause...poor stress patterns. More specifically the inability for your brain and nervous system to adapt to stress. These stress patterns usually start in the womb and are passed down from your mother. Once you are born, you mimic stress patterns observed in those closest to you. These patterns then continue and worsen as you deal with your own daily stressors. These patterns then actually change brain physiology altering how the brain perceives the environment and how it then communicates with the body. A perfect example might look like this. You experience a fight with your partner or financial stress or maybe something as small as being late to work. Your brain perceives these stressors, or any other millions of stressors, as a fire alarm going off. It now sends messages to your body to escape a burning building ( survival mode ). This all usually happens at a subconscious level. In most cases you have no idea it is happening but as these patterns continue your body will start to show signs and symptoms leading to things like: High Blood Pressure Increased Inflammation Degenerative Diseases ADD/ADHD Poor Digestion Hormonal Issues Fibromyalgia Poor Sleep Adrenal Fatigue Anxiety Diabetes Reproductive Issues Immune System Issues Chronic Pain So much more.... Brain-Based Chiropractic! Brain-based chiropractors assess your brain and nervous system and its ability or inability to move from survival mode into healing mode. They then develop care plans to correct this very serious problem. Research is very clear, chiropractic adjustment alters brain function. With that said, however, it is very important that the right type of adjustments are performed specific to your brain type. These care plans include specific types of adjustments that are right for your brain type. In addition they may include specific brain based therapy, lifestyle changes, supplements, exercise and diet modifications, and other changes to focus on improving the function of your master control system, your brain and nervous system. Give brain based chiropractic a try today.

*(Courtesy of TruChiro.org)

What Is Bio-Energetic Chiropractic?

"Bio" means "Life".
"Energetic" means "energy".
Bio-energetic Chiropractic is the full optimization of your life energy.

There are 6 different types of stress that impact our bodies. According to Dr. John Brimhall, they are physical/structural stress, mental/emotional stress, biochemical/nutritional stress, Electro-magnetic radiation, toxins and infections/allergies.

An analogy can be made to sticking plugs into an electrical outlet. You stick one plug, then another plug, another plug and another plug until you put one plug too many. What happens? The circuit blows out. Is there anything wrong with the circuit? No. It's doing exactly what it was designed to do. What's the solution? Pull the plugs out and reset the circuit.
Health is our body's ability to appropriately respond and adapt to stress.

What is Brain-Based Chiropractic Bio-Energetic Chiropractic?

It is the combination of focusing on how the brain and nervous system are responding to the different types of stress.

By addressing the different types of stress your body's energy can be optimized to regain your health.

Do you use vitamins?

The nutritional products used in our office are from Optimal Health Systems (OHS). They are concentrated whole food that are organically sources and have a pre-digested enzyme delivery system to improve absorption by the body.

We Use Science to Help Heal You Holistically

Natural Ingredients
Say goodbye to synthetic ingredients and hello to the power of whole foods and natural ingredients.

Our products are made with natural ingredients based on sound nutritional research. Such as:

  • Whole foods vitamins
  • Organic minerals
  • Organic herbs
  • Pure plant enzymes
  • Stabilized probiotics
  • Fixing the Root Problems
How many times have you taken prescribed or over-the-counter synthetic medicines? Dozens? Maybe hundreds? We hate to tell you this, but these medicines often mask the symptoms without fixing the root problem.

Large pharmaceutical companies want us to believe that drugs and surgeries are the only way to solve our health problems. While they're great for helping in a health crisis, they don't make us healthy. In fact, they can make problems worse.

This is one of the many reasons we refuse to sell out to big pharmaceutical companies. We know our products provide a better way to feel better, and we stand firm in our commitment to healing and preventing illnesses naturally.

What Our Products Do
Our products not only help with your specific illnesses and conditions, but they also make your overall health better. Our supplements work with your body's natural strengths and defenses to help nutritionally support it to:
  • Clean your insides
  • Lose body fat
  • Gain muscle
  • Heal whatever's ailing you
  • What Sets Us Apart
At Optimal Health Systems, we refuse to buy into the idea that drugs and surgeries are the only solutions to our health problems. We know there's a better, more natural way. While drugs and surgeries have their place in urgent situations, they don't promote true health and can sometimes make things worse.

That's why we proudly stand against the influence of big pharmaceutical companies. We firmly believe that our products offer a superior approach to feeling better and staying healthy. We're committed to healing and preventing illnesses naturally, and our supplements reflect this belief.

Our products not only address specific illnesses and conditions, but they also contribute to overall wellness. They work harmoniously with your body's natural strengths and defenses, helping to cleanse your body, support weight loss, build muscle, and aid in the process of healing.

What Is Brain Fitness?

Stress, in all of its forms, affect the brain.

Constant chronic stress can have debilitating effects on the brain. Our focus is on improving the neuroplasticity (ability to change) of the brain by using Brain Tap Technology, nutrition, chiropractic adjustments, detoxification, far-infra red sauna, emotional release techniques, and more.